Saturday, 31 May 2014

What Is an "Ulzzang"?

So, firstly I would start by posting my narcism pic so you guys can get the picture of an ulzzang~ heheh xD

Okay, so now let's start from the basics:

What is "Ulzzang"?
Well, based on wikipedia, ulzzang means
"a popular South Korean term literally meaning "best face" or "good-looking". Originally used as a slang term, this word in the English lexicon has evolved into describing a person on the internet through entering contests where their photos are judged and chosen by voters, though many became well-known eoljjangs from having popular Cyworld accounts or have gained popularity in school from being attractive."

What does "Best Face" supposed to mean?
Based on my theory (well,,,,) it means that the person have the perfect "ratio" of face. this "ratio's" (it's not really a ratio, but I don't know an other words to describe it) features are:
1. Big eyes,
2. Small nose,
3. Small mouth,
4. "V" shaped face,
5. Perfect body shape,
and the most important one;
6. Innocent look!

Take this picture of Kim Da Hyun as an example:

See what I mean? Ok!

Most people don't have this "best face" look, so they put on some: eye shadows, eyeliner, contact lenses, and false lashes to make their eyes look bigger; lip tint, lip gloss, and some concealer around the mouth for a smaller and healthy looking lips; bright colored blushes for their cheek, but it doesn't really come out in pictures; contouring for a "V" shaped face and smaller nose!

Those are most-likely the basic make-up ulzzang must have. The shadows mostly picked are matte brown, to draw the "puppy look", which is the look that makes you super cute and innocent, just like a puppy!
Check out my ulzzang make up tutorial!
I hope you learned something on this post!!
Talk to you guys later~
Bye <3

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